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February 18, 2009 CIP Budget Present


FEBRUARY 18, 2009

The meeting was called to order at 9:18 p.m. in the Town Hall conference room.

Present:  Chairwoman DeSousa, Board Members Bowsza, Floyd, Kubick, Little, Mannette, First Selectwoman Menard, Treasurer Catherine Cabral.
First Selectwoman Menard reported that the CIP Committee had prioritized the list of town capital improvement projects.  She presented the Board with the prioritized list.
The Capital Improvement projects scheduled for 2010 are:
One thermal imaging camera each for the Broad Brook and Warehouse Point Fire Departments; and five Scott packs for each of the fire departments.  The two fire departments have been asked by the First Selectman to coordinate their needs.
Three police vehicles
Removal of asbestos and boiler replacement at Town Hall
Parking renovations, painters and speakers for the conference room at Town Hall
Additional storage space at the Town Hall Annex
Expansion of parking area for Broad Brook School
Assessor's Reval
New heating units, vehicle maintenance and a vehicle lift for the Public Works Department
Park and Recreation purchases
The 2010 CIP budget equals $581,651.  The town has $75,000 in LoCIP grant money and $350,000 from a transfer from the WPCA funds.  The town would be responsible for $156,651 of the cost of 2010 capital improvement projects.

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                Linda Nolan, Recording Secretary